
Bridget Carter

Bridget Carter
Mosaics Painting

Artist Bridget Carter works in a range of mediums, including acrylics, mixed media and mosaics.

Her art increasingly focuses on expressing the landscape and seascape in semi abstract ways with a focus on colour and form. She is inspired by landscapes, love of geography, mountains, valleys and rock formations.

She also has a deep seated love of the ocean and sailing, open vistas, rocky shores and stormy seas. She paints to capture the feeling of a place. She loves the challenge art provides; the sense of continually learning and its ability to be completely absorbing.

And sometimes she just paints something because it's fun or of the moment.


Click on the images below to see enlargements of some of her work.

Sheryl Metcalfe

Sheryl Metcalfe

Sheryl Metcalfe Reflections Mosaics - Sheryl has been mosaicing for over 20 yrs.

Her interest in mosaics started when her Aunt taught her the basics.

"I am currently working on bird baths, bee baths, spheres for the garden, planters, turtles and mirrors. I teach mosaics in my studio in Ohaeawai."

Sue Wallace

Sue Wallace

Sue Wallace  started dabbling with mosaics about 15 years ago after attending a weekend workshop. She  was hooked and “there was no looking back for me – I absolutely loved it and haven’t stopped creating since”.

Sue live rurally in Okaihau on a lifestyle block and gets inspiration from the farmland, coastline, animals, birds, plants and her  garden where she have a number of mosaics displayed. She likes to work with old china and recycled products, ceramic, glass, stained glass and glass beads.

“I work from home and am in the process of building and setting-up a new studio where I can offer lessons and workshops from. I have previously sold mosaics at local markets and when time permits I go to markets and fairs in Whangarei and Auckland. I now concentrate on on-line sales.

“I am passionate about mosaics and creating something for someone to treasure. I love every aspect and feel very content when working on a commission.”